January 24th 1915, Abandoned! Forgotten! Home before Christmas! Thats another thing they delusiond to us about! 1 month later and I still continue permanent these obnoxious conditions. All I see is bombs falling in either direction. The distant screams; men dying! I am unnerved to say that this may be the last snip I write; I dont fill in what will give way first my body or my sanity! All I eject taste thirstiness! The repulsive smell of my own sweat! nowhere to motivate! Nowhere to hide! What was I thinking! Join the army! meshing for your hoidenish! Propaganda! This is blasphemy! Another government lie! Your country demands you! Well now i need my country entirely where atomic number 18 they? The never ending trenches! Thats what they should stick put on their posters! I mother salubrious spent the last day forging my way destroyed Knee deep of mud, blood and sweat!

Despite it organism the reason I came here, all of my pride, along with my sorrows, has drowned into the vile puddle beneath me. However, all of this is irrelevant to me. All I essential is my family. Their absence is the most painful thing that I am having to go through! But I hope they be proud of me, because although I have lost my pride, I have not stopped fighting this war, the reason being; the still thing I desire is for my children to be safe and I know that what I am doing is building a break future for them. That is probably the only thing I peck be certain of at this moment in prison house term! Help us! Please. By Davi nder Bassan 9TIf you want to doctor a full ! essay, order it on our website:
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